Team outing ideas in NYC - develop emotional intelligence together

How could opposite values, such as irrational emotions and logical intelligence, meet in one term? It’s not a wonder in the 21st century when people tend to streamline everything. But what does the oxymoronic phrase "emotional intelligence" mean exactly?

The skill rests on four pillars: self-management, self-awareness, social-awareness, and relationship management. It’s all about understanding ourselves and others, focusing on our urges and sentiments. Emotional intelligence is necessary for people who work in a team, so it’s definitely worth a corporate outing to improve it. Luckily, we can help you choose a team-bonding activity to make a shift in your corporate culture!

Yoga Team Building 

Yoga is a unique discipline that teaches us how to control both our bodies and emotions. Breath control, the adoption of specific postures, and meditation train us to manage ourselves in a healthy way and to recognise and direct our feelings. This practice is known to help find harmony between mind and body. This is why it’s called so: the word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuj", meaning "to unite". So, if you are looking for an unusual team-building event that will unite your colleagues and help them increase their emotional intelligence simultaneously, visit a group yoga class together and catch your Zen!


Team Game

Besides the fact that the game is an icebreaker, it also helps to improve emotional intelligence. A team play increases the level of social awareness by developing empathy between co-workers, teaching them to understand other people’s emotions, needs, and concerns, as well as to pick up on emotional cues and to feel comfortable socially. When choosing a game for team building, give preference to those that imply a division into teams in which participants must work together while competing with other teams.


Mural Painting

For those who are looking for things to do in NYC, Unarthodox offers an unforgettable Mural experience. The idea is that each participant is responsible for a separate canvas, which is only a section of a bigger painting. The Mural experience is a perfect way to practice relationship management. During the process of painting, your team will communicate, exchange ideas, inspire each other, and work together. A nice bonus is that you will have your masterpiece in memory of the event, which will be a great decoration for your workplace. 

Article by Victoria Kogan,

Unarthodox Element Blog Contributor


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