
UE Stories: Episode 2 - Alexandra Tavlidi on Music and the Meaning of Life

The Unarthodox Element team came to Saint Petersburg to meet with Alexandra Tavlidi, an incredibly talented Russian musician and composer. We discussed music and the meaning of life.

Alexandra recently wrote her first album “Любить так здорово” (“It is so wonderful to love”). It will be officially released in the coming months. Meanwhile, you can already listen to some of its beautiful compositions on Alexandra’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOkSG2qMKIFN0P0IUqm_w/videos/videos

Alexandra’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shuratavlidi/

Alexandra’s website: https://www.tavlidi.com/


UE Stories: Episode 3 - Mitchell Leonard on his path as a composer and fulfillment over perfection


UE Stories: Episode 1 - Ann Makosinski on Creativity, Inventiveness, and Finding Unarthodox Element